Upcoming Shows

  • August 18, Founders Brewery (Chance and Bueford)
  • Very few shows currently scheduled, as the band is wrapping up their new album!

Monday, November 30, 2009

My Machine on WYCE tonight

While driving back from the store tonight I heard "My Machine" on WYCE, 88.1 FM. Be sure to support WYCE by tuning in to them and calling up to make requests. Of course it would be great to call and request the band, but there are plenty of other great local acts to call in and request to hear as well. The more local music that is played, the better it is for everyone, especially the folks who don't even know that it exists.

WYCE request line: (616) 742-9923

Coyote trailer debuts Tuesday night

Coyote, the new film by Joel Potrykus, will debut it's new trailer tomorrow night some place on the interweb. In the meantime, here is the teaser trailer.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank you for visiting...

What comes next?

Met up with Bol tonight for dinner, and he gave me some insight into what is coming up next for the band. Sounds like tonight's practice will help set the course a bit more. I wouldn't bet on seeing The Letter 11 for a while, as it looks like the band could be focusing more on nailing all the new songs live. I dunno how much work that will take, as it all sounded pretty amazing Friday night.

I can tell you that there are three NEW songs, not on Primrose, that the band is already at work on! The first one is a mythical beast of a track called "All for Maria," and yes, this is "Maria," the "Crosstown" prequel that is oft written about and expected to be on the Letter 11. The next track is "Please Forgive Me," and this is a straight up new track, with no expected release. Finally, the last new track is "Don't You Be Leaving Too Soon," which is going to be featured in the Coyote soundtrack, from the upcoming film by Joel Potrykus that features Chance.

If you feel bummed that you missed the show Friday, or like a junkie, need more live Chance Jones in your life, you have two opportunities in the first week of December. You can catch a live solo show of Chance at A Winter's Tune on December 6 at the Wealthy Theater. You may remember last year's track, which was pretty fun. After that you can catch the full band at Mulligan's on December 12. Bol said that there are some January dates in the works, but we'll know more about those soon.

Exciting time to be a fan. Remember, Primrose will make an excellent gift for family and loved ones! Be sure to check out Friction, Vertigo, or iTunes to get your copies for yourself and your holiday list.

The Intersection, November 27, 2009


Set One:

Insult to Injury
Make It In The City
I Haven't Seen Her Since the Election>I'll Never Look For You Again
Venango County
Giant Bee Sting*
Six String Highway
Kitty Hijinks
CIA Operative
Love's Alright

*cover of Ways To Be Worse

Set Two:

The Incident at Primrose and West

Here is a video of "Love's Alright" that I shot with a soundboard patch. Unfortunately the second set did not turn out well. The good news is that many people recorded the show, so hopefully a good recording will turn up. Watch for more videos from the show as we approach the holiday season.

The Incident at Primrose and West

The fourth album from Chance Jones is now available for purchase on CD, vinyl, or digital download via Friction Records. Here's where you can get it.

You can purchase directly from Friction Records at their website. Vertigo Music will carry the cd and vinyl at their store on Division in Grand Rapids. Finally, you can download the album now from iTunes.

There were new t-shirts, stickers, posters, remastered cd's of The Letter S and 11th Hour Coward, and what may be a new pressing of The Angel's Share for sale at the merch table at the show. I'll see what the buzz is on getting some of this material available for others to buy.

Friday night the band debuted the album at the Intersection, playing it in order to an enthusiastic crowd. I was there taping the show with a soundboard patch, although the audio runs kinda hot. Not to worry, as there were multiple people there taping, including an audio recording and three other video camera's running around.

I also taped the first set, and that sounds amazing. We'll see about adding some clips soon.

Tonight I'll be seeing Bol and hopefully have some news about what comes next, including some new live dates.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I just saw on Facebook that The Incident At Primrose and West is available NOW on iTunes!!

If you absolutely can't wait, now is the time to buy!

Love's Alright

In celebration of tomorrow's big show, here's a video I shot at Founders back in July with a soundboard patch. The video is a little rough, but the audio is pretty clear.

Grand Rapids Press article

Here's a nice article from today's Grand Rapids Press.

Remember that tomorrow night is the album release show at the Intersection. This is a 17+ older show, $5 at the door, which opens at 9 pm. Two sets, one of older material, and the second is Primrose in its entirety. Should be a classic show, so bring your friends and family.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Word is that there are two new t-shirts for sale at the Meanwhile Bar on Wealthy. Come on a Tuesday or Thursday and Bol might even sell you one.

Cute with a Knife!!!!

Want to hear a new song from TIAPAW?

Here's Cute With A Knife!

Thanks to Friction Records for posting the new track! Only a few days until the album is released.